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The consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal 14 days from the receipt of his order and request a refund and not necessarily a new order, without justifying the return. will refund your money within 14 days of receiving your cancellation request. However, it may be delayed to return the money if you do not receive the products or proof of return.
The money to be refunded includes the shipping costs paid by the consumer for the purchase the consumer is charged exclusively with the return costs.
In case of a defective product, contact us within 7 calendar days from the receipt of the product, for its immediate replacement. Shipping costs are borne by the store.

Explanation of indications of delivery time – shipping and availability of products
Please note that before proceeding with the completion of your order, in each product you will find an indication of its availability status and the expected shipping time, as follows:

  • Immediate receipt / Delivery 1 to 3 days: Refers to products that are available in the physical store and the consumer can obtain even without prior online purchase.

  • Delivery 1 to 3 days: The product will be shipped in 1-3 working days from the sending of the order confirmation (by sending the relevant email)

  • Delivery 4 to 10 days: The product will be shipped in 4-10 working days from the sending of the order confirmation (by sending the relevant e-mail)

  • Delivery up to 30 days: The product will be shipped in 4-10 working days from the sending of the order confirmation (by sending the relevant e-mail)

  • Upon order: The product will be shipped within 1-30 days of sending the order confirmation.

The above delivery times refer to the availability of the products in the store of the store and are indicative. For areas that are outside the service network of a courier company and are characterized as inaccessible, the delivery time may vary.
In the orders concerning products available for delivery for 4 – 10 days, order of priority is observed until the available stocks are exhausted.


Possibility of Cancellation

Possibility to cancel the order up to two days before the delivery of the products.

If the customer has chosen to deliver the order exactly the next day, he can cancel it within 2 hours from the moment he received the purchase confirmation email.

At the end of the above time limits the order will be delivered to the customer and he will bear the shipping costs to send the product back to the store.

Return Policy

Returns are accepted after checking the products and only in the following cases:

  • The date of receipt of your order with the date of submission of the application for return does not exceed 14 calendar days.

  • The packaging has not been violated and is in its original (factory) condition.

  • They are packed in a larger package than the original (to be safe in case of transport by a transport agency or courier company).

  • Return costs (if any) are borne by the customer.

  • D.O.A as provided below

The product will be returned to the store where you will be informed.

7-Day DOA Returns
In case of purchase of a defective product, contact the team within 7 calendar days of receipt. This will be replaced immediately (if the defect is identified). In this case the shipping costs are borne by the store itself.

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